Toggenburg Goat

The Toggenburg goat, also known as Toggenburger, is a Swiss dairy goat breed. The name of the Toggenburg goat comes from the location where it originated, in the Toggenburg region of Switzerland. The Toggenburg goat is known to be one of the most productive dairy goat breed and are bred and recognized on an international level.
The Toggenburg goats originated from the country of Switzerland. In Science and Agriculture, a goat family is documented in what they refer to as herd books; and for the Toggenburg goat, its herd book was started in 1890.

Initially, the images of Toggenburg goats depicted them as dark coated (brown,black or chocolate brown) with white or cream markings. In early communications or documents (Handbook of Australian Livestock), it was noted that there may have been some cross breeding that occured with Chamois-coloured stock and Appenzell goats in the neighboring area. Eventually, in the 20th century, the mouse grey color with distinctive white facial markings were fixed by selective breeding.

In the 1950s, the Toggenburg goat breed was a picture perfect photo of a big, healthy family of goats in a mountain farm. The St. Gallen Goat Breeders Association registered the Toggenburg goat breed and the Verein Ziegenfreunde was formed to unite and protect each farmer or breed owner.

British Toggenburg Goat

As mentioned earlier, the Toggenburg goat breed has been imported for business, and Britain is one country among many others, to welcome the animal. The British Toggenburg goat breed are known for their improved milk production, milk quality and heavier weight.

Toggenburg Goat Characteristics

The Toggenburg has a medium sized body build, slightly smaller than other Alpine goat breeds. The coat color of a Toggenburg goat (in most photos) may range from mouse grey to light brown, with a distinction of white Swiss markings that can be found in the tail or thoracic area, legs, face, knees and lower legs. Tassels may be present in the appearance of a Toggenburg goat. Nannies and billies may be polled or naturally horned.

The facial lines of a Toggenburg goat may either be straight or dished; a Roman facial feature is very uncommon.

A female Toggenburg goat may weigh at least 120 lbs.

Toggenburg Goat Purpose

The Toggenburg goat is known to be very good in milk production, a pure and traditional dairy breen goat. For the information of potential Toggenburg goat breeders, the breed standard requires a minimum fat content of 3.56%, a minimum milk yield of 740kg per lactation. Minimum protein content to qualify for the Toggenburg goat breed registration is 2.90%.

Business owners of artisan food and dairy products have been using the milk of Toggenburg goats for quite some time. While the taste of the Toggenburg goat milk is rich in flavor, its butterfat content is relatively low (about 2-3%).

Toggenburg goat breed can also be used for meat production, although the quality and content of its meat products may not be as premium and higher quality than that of other goat breeds specifically raised for its meat.

There are numerous support groups in the local and online community page dedicated to the Toggenburg goat breed for owners and breeders to come together. They can share a word or two about raising this breed and touching base with fellow owners in the area.

Toggenburg Goat Health

The Toggenburg goat breed is known for its sustainable health, hardiness and adaptability – requiring close to minimal veterinary intervention (except maybe for an occasional check up or X-ray when injured). The Toggenburg female goat is also an apple of the eye of several goat breeders because the animal is known for its constant milk production, even during winter, when all other goat breeds tend to slow down with their milk stream.

Toggenburg Goat Temperament

A Toggenburg goat is usually known to have a gentle and quiet behavior. Occasionally, a domesticated Toggenburg goat can accept visitors, or simply curious people who would like to travel to farms to experience petting goats.

Toggenburg Goat Housing

A constructed, three-dimensional goat housing is considered to be important in ensuring that goats have their own safe space. Of course, the Toggenburg goat is no exception, and a typical goat housing for a Toggenburg goat simply needs a good ventilation system that ensures sufficient light and air inside.